Perhaps successful classes are the cause of my contented state, or maybe it’s the fact that I’m not perpetually feeling frozen.
I do have a humorous story from the day that I’m sure you will all enjoy. As many of you may already know, I’m not a spelling wizard. Most of the time I write words correctly, but I often have difficulties figuring out the correct way to spell them. (I promise that all this background information will serve a purpose, just be patient.)
During the mad libs section of the lesson, I asked one class for an adjective so I could demonstrate how a mad lib works. One of the students proudly shouted out, “Neurotic”. (Until this point, I’d been given answers like “ugly”, “romantic”, “beautiful”, or words that are easily spelled.) I pondered the word for a moment, trying to figure out the spelling, and then bravely started writing. Quickly, I realized that I would need a bit of assistance because I wasn’t going to get it right on my first attempt. I then asked the students for help and they also had a difficult time. I think I eventually got it correct, but I honestly don’t remember.
Interestingly enough, the words for the rest of the mad lib activity were “ugly”, “sun”, “romantic”, etc. (Here's my personal analysis of the situation: the students felt so bad that I lost “face” during the lesson that they made an effort to ensure that it wouldn’t happen again. They like me and want me to succeed, not flounder in front of them. Although I felt a bit stupid for the goof-up, I was heartened by their response.)
It was another night of Muslim Noodle Shop food for dinner. The restaurant is excellent because it has pictures on the menu, all the dishes contain a number and variety of vegetables, and there are many choices from which we can select. This all adds up to a perfect place for us to frequent (and we do with our plastic carryout containers in hand).
Here are today’s pictures:
Hugs to all!